Episode 022: Welp, it Looks Like I Broke the First Two Rules—Fight Club (1999)
Join Alex in a solo episode as he discusses the psychological concepts in a wild ride of a film, Fight Club (1999), starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt as <<SPOILER ALERTthe same person… but actually different people? This episode is also an experimental delivery, with the bulk of the discussion happening during a live stream of Alex’s (https://twitch.tv/cogpsychprof), with participation and some shoutouts to Twitch chat.
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Episode 021: The Film Where the DID Psychologist Does Everything Wrong—Split (2016) with Lyra Stein
Join Alex and guest host Dr. Lyra Stein in a discussion of the psychological concepts in Split (2016), a film where M. Night Shyamalan returns to the height of his powers in an exploration of Dissociative Identity Disorder, but breaks that whole thing by bringing in some supernatural elements. James McAvoy is so good, though!
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Episode 020: Please Don’t Try to Erase This Podcast Episode from Your Memory—Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) with Jordan Wagge
Join Alex and guest host Dr. Jordan Wagge in a discussion of the psychological concepts in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), a cerebral (pun intended!) romp with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, written by Charlie Kaufman. We don’t recommend getting a procedure to erase memories, for any reason!
You can also find Jordan on Twitter: @jorowags
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Episode 019: Fly Fishing and Family Time Dynamics—Can Brad Pitt Be My Brother? A River Runs Through It (1992) with Jason Spiegelman
Join Alex and returning guest host Jason Spiegelman as they discuss the family dynamics in the fly fishing period piece, A River Runs Through It (1992). The film stars Brad Pitt, Tom Skerritt, and Craig Sheffer as father and sons just trying to make it in early 20th century Montana. Honestly, the only thing you can really focus on are the amount of stares people make and all the fly fishing. Makes you want to forget all your troubles and just go wade out into a river!
Check out a fun, early-in-podcast-producing moment from the last time Jason joined us. It’s what some would call “bloopers”.…
Episode 018: The Stereotypes Slashed Me Harder Than the Actual Knives! Scream (1996) with Angela Bell
Join Alex and guest host Dr. Angela Bell in a discussion of the psychological concepts in Scream (1996), Wes Craven’s reimagining and spoofing of his own slasher films. Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette, and lots more star in this movie that has so many gender stereotypes and aggression, our eyes rolled too far back in our heads and now we’re permanently stuck like that. Also find out how Craven got his start in film–and how that relates to Randy’s horror movie rules!
Check out recent articles on racial equality, equity, and justice current events that feature Dr. Bell!
Forbes: You’re More Racist Than You Think: How Your Mental Biases Perpetuate Racism And How To Fix Them
CNN.com:… -
Episode 017: CinemaPsych is One Year Old! A Year in Review and a Look to the Future with Astrid Swan
Join Alex and his wife Astrid as they discuss the first year of the podcast, her thoughts on some favorite moments and episodes, a a look to the future of the podcast, including films that are on the docket in the upcoming year! Onward!
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Episode 016: Social Media Profiles and FBI Profiles are the Same, Right? Red Dragon (2002) with Marc Klippenstine
Join Alex and returning guest host Dr. Marc Klippenstine for a discussion of the psychological concepts in Red Dragon (2002), the second best Hannibal Lecter movie, but one where we can explore if the FBI is just using our social media to determine whether or not we’re serial murderers! Edward Norton is an established profiler and Anthony Hopkins is still very creepy…
Please leave your feedback on this post, the main site (cinemapsychpod.swanpsych.com), on Facebook (@CinPsyPod), or Twitter (@CinPsyPod). We’d love to hear from you!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Merch Store, and/or Paypal links to contribute to this podcast and keep the lights on!…
Episode 015: Self-Expansion Your Relationship with Your Computer! Her (2013) with Jeff Bowen
Join Alex and guest host Dr. Jeff Bowen in a discussion of the psychological concepts in Her (2013), another tour de force by Joaquin Phoenix (I suppose this show has become to the JP show by now…). We chat about how real a relationship with an OS could be–for me… I love my MacOS!
Read/download the transcript (may contain errors) here.
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Don’t forget to check out our Patreon and/or Paypal links to contribute to this podcast and keep the lights on!…
Episode 014: This is an Idea of a Podcast Episode—American Psycho (2000)
Join Alex in a solo episode as he discusses the psychological concepts in an “American” classic, American Psycho (2000), starring Christian Bale in perhaps one is his most iconic performances as Patrick Bateman, an investment banker who likes to kill folks but has an awesome skincare routine.
Read/download the transcript (may contain errors) here.
Please leave your feedback on this post, the main site (cinemapsychpod.swanpsych.com), on Facebook (@CinPsyPod), or Twitter (@CinPsyPod). We’d love to hear from you!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon and/or Paypal links to contribute to this podcast and keep the lights on!…
Episode 013: Are We Supposed to Laugh At or With This Guy? Joker (2019) with Wind Goodfriend
Join Alex and frequent guest host Dr. Wind Goodfriend on discussion of the psychological concepts in Joker (2019), the latest take on the amazing batman villain. Joaquin Phoenix gives a stunning performance of a guy just on the edge of reality. That laugh gives us the creeps!
Read/download the transcript (may contain errors) here.
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Don’t forget to check out our Patreon and/or Paypal links to contribute to this podcast and keep the lights on!…