Episode 093: What Could Go Wrong on a Long Spaceflight—Slingshot (2024)
Join Alex as he takes a solo look at a recent science fiction film featuring Casey Affleck and Laurence Fishburne, Slingshot (2024). The title refers to the maneuver three men — or is it only one? — must complete around Jupiter, using its gravity well to gain speed on the way to Saturn’s moon, Titan. We also flashback to the time before, when Affleck’s John is training to make this years-long flight, while makes an ill-fated connection with Zoe. We see John slowly lose his connection with reality on this spaceflight — is there precedent in real spaceflight for the psychological effects?…
Episode 022: Welp, it Looks Like I Broke the First Two Rules—Fight Club (1999)
Join Alex in a solo episode as he discusses the psychological concepts in a wild ride of a film, Fight Club (1999), starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt as <<SPOILER ALERTthe same person… but actually different people? This episode is also an experimental delivery, with the bulk of the discussion happening during a live stream of Alex’s (https://twitch.tv/cogpsychprof), with participation and some shoutouts to Twitch chat.
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Episode 021: The Film Where the DID Psychologist Does Everything Wrong—Split (2016) with Lyra Stein
Join Alex and guest host Dr. Lyra Stein in a discussion of the psychological concepts in Split (2016), a film where M. Night Shyamalan returns to the height of his powers in an exploration of Dissociative Identity Disorder, but breaks that whole thing by bringing in some supernatural elements. James McAvoy is so good, though!
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